My procrastination was getting the better of me for a long time, so without hesitation, I'm starting a 1770s gentleman's waist and frock coat for my DG (Distinct Gent). He'll be joining me in less than 4 weeks, so time is at an essence!
The hardest part of this project would have to be the choosing of the fabric. Linen? Wool? Cotton? Grrr! Most frockcoats take a lightweight wool or heavyweight linen because of how it will fall when warn. One needs some weight.
I've settled on the linen cos the man has enough wool in my opinion (with his soldier impression that is). The color is what was getting to me. I had a lovely rust colored linen all set up to be a waistcoat and had the intent of using wool as the frockcoat. Then the mind changed and wham! Dilemma...
Friday, paid a trip to the fabric store in Nyack, NY - 'Sew, What's New' and found a prospective piece of olive(colors aren't always the same inside as out, but this was alright!) colored linen that would do the trick as a frockcoat. So, a few yards were bought.
Put the two colors together and it didn't look bad at all, but then thought "should the colors be switched?"
No, I am resolved! I'll make it and he will like it and I don't care how bad it is!
Love you Dear.